Cód. ITCanarias
General Budget Bill or Budget initially approved, as well as the mandatory documentation that must be attached.
Last updated: 12/02/2025
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
General Budget Law approved or Budget definitively approved, with a description of the main budget items.
Last updated: 15/11/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Annual accounts that must be submitted by the entity (balance sheet, economic-asset result account or profit and loss account, memory and, where appropriate, Budget settlement).
Last updated: 31/10/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Quarterly execution of Budgets.
Last updated: 23/02/2024
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Reports on the movement and situation of the treasury.
Last updated: 15/11/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Credit modifications approved by the governing bodies of the entity (extraordinary credits, supplements, etc.).
Last updated: 10/11/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Account auditing and oversight reports by external control bodies.
Last updated: 10/11/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Reports on the degree of compliance with the objectives of budgetary stability and financial sustainability.
Last updated: 15/11/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Economic-financial plans approved for the fulfillment of budgetary stability, public debt and spending rule objectives; rebalancing plans approved for assumptions of structural deficit and adjustment plans approved...
Last updated: 10/11/2023
Budget and accounting information
Cód. ITCanarias
Basic information on the financing of the entity: in the case of the Autonomous Community, own taxes, ceded taxes, the Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands, the Guarantee Fund for fundamental public services and the Global Sufficiency Fund...
Last updated: 10/11/2023
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Tax revenue, spending and investment made per inhabitant or student.
Last updated: 23/02/2024
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Personnel expenses and their percentage of the total expense.
Last updated: 23/02/2024
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Expenditure made for the lease of real estate.
Last updated: 07/11/2023
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Expenditure made for sponsorship and institutional advertising campaigns.
Last updated: 07/11/2023
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Total expenditure made for aid and subsidies for economic activities.
Last updated: 10/11/2023
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Agreements for the deferral or installment of payments and their conditions for debts with the Tax Agency, the General Treasury of the Social Security and other public or private entities.
Last updated: 03/03/2023
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Quarterly information on obligations to third parties, due, liquid, payable, not allocated to the budget.
Last updated: 03/03/2023
Income and expenses
Cód. ITCanarias
Amount of the entity's debt and its evolution during the previous five years, including debt per inhabitant or student and relative debt (Debt/Budget).
Last updated: 03/03/2023
Cód. ITCanarias
Loan, credit and public debt issuance operations in all its forms; endorsements and guarantees provided in any kind of credit; and financial leasing operations of the entity.
Last updated: 03/03/2023
Cód. ITCanarias
The allegations and claims presented during the process of public exposure.
Last updated: 23/02/2024
Budget and accounting information